
Starry Eyed Surprise! - Challenge Week #4

Challenge Week #4: Starry Eyed Surprise! based on the youtube video for the song: "Starry Eyed Surprise" By Paul Oakenfold. When I tangle I usually use melodic, whimsical, flowing melodies or good old rock and roll, so this had a totally different feel. Fun song.

This tangle incorporates Afterglow and DL Nebula which are a perfect astrology combination, don't you think? Knightbridge brings in the feel of a dance floor so you can jam down and get jiggy under the stars and nebula! Pretty hep of me 'eh?

More stuff...
Couldn't sleep last night so I decided to work on more tangle versions for CZT® Laura Harms 's Weekly Challenge #4. How appropriate to continue on the star theme when all the stars are out! It's almost as good as sleep... isn't it amazing how many inspirational thoughts come in those late night hours?

The true test is if those inspirational "aha moments" still hold water in the light of day...

I enjoyed doing this mandala inspired globe, I'm totally into creating textures and the working on line quality in my tangles. Sometimes it's a little over board, but I just can't help myself!!!!!!!

I didn't use any pencil shading on this mandala, instead I used my 3x0 fine point Koh-i-noor rapidograph pen to create shading lines. It's interesting that once scanned, the fine lines read as grey, hmmmm.

This third version brings back visions of country fairs and the circus. We went to a balloon festival in Howell, Michigan this summer and this little guy could have been one of the fanciful balloons we saw during the big balloon launch at dusk. Watching those colorful balloons slowly rise above us and and float away was so neat. Up, up, and away we go!


  1. Thanks, This is a great challenge. Getting to link to fellow zentangler's site is so inspirational.

  2. ★★★Star-dusting Whispers of Aloha★★★

  3. Yep, pretty hep of you! Nice tangling and ideas behind it.

  4. Love your 'echoing' star! Very cool!

  5. Love your starry tangle and the ideas behind it! :-)

  6. This is a really neat tangle. I like it.

  7. love your choice of tangles - DL Nebula - nice movement and "twinkle"

  8. Lovely view into the sky while dancing the night away :-) !

  9. Thanks to all for your comments, fun challenge, no?


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