
New Year's Inspiration

The weather outside is frightful, typical Michigan winter; cold and grey. It's great to have the inspiration of Spring, plants and fanciful growing things to bring me out of my winter funk! I was strolling through my favorite zentangle inspirational web sites and ran across a piece Shelley Beauch had on flickr! I love her flowers; organic yet graphic. Fun to play with!

I was just looking over a quote I gave in November, I had mentioned, surprise, surprise... the fact that the Zentangle process has taken over my creative thoughts. I used the term "zentangling" rather than "tangling". How passé was that? I have to get my CZT language down since I will soon be attending, and hopefully getting certified, at the next CZT training in Whittenburg, MA. This will certainly perk up a drab February, better than taking a winter break to a warm climate will be the creative warmth and excitement of training and meeting other zentangle enthusiasts!

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