
Challenge #18 - EGGZZZZellent

Version #2 of Egg Challenge

Version #1 Egg Challenge
Zenplosion Fold - Egg with Sepia Coloring
Version #3

The DIVA's challenge for this week - #18 - asks us to use the "Egg" as our muse. Hoppy Ether to yooooou!
I really enjoy the shape of the egg, it's lovely curves and the flow of the form is so soothing. It is the perfect little package for that delicious protein, a great facial mask and so many other things. Fragile but perfect, which makes it all the more special.

In my second version and I tried to play with the overlapping shapes and the positive and negative forms and spaces that are created. I incorporated a tiny version of Margaret Bremmer's Diamond Panes, Mooka, Tipple, Coaster, Hollibaugh, Knightsbridge, and a few tangelations... oh what fun it is to ride on an Easter Egg ...

This first version has a hint of purple (very royal). This is the mother egg sprouting little baby eggs. It actually resembles a bale of hay or ball of string in an Ovum shape. I'm Eggstatic about the egg shapes.

I also did a version using my tangle pattern Zenplosion Folds to nestle my little egg in sepia folds.

Leann, one of the challengers, showed some beautiful eggs she had decorated for this challenge and it sounded like a wonderful accompaniment to the challenge. I thought I'll just tangle a tile on an egg... Not as easy as it sounds. As I drew on the egg and turned it I noticed the section I had just completed had just smeared, micron pens don't work well on eggs. I'll have to try it again for Easter.

I did enjoy the Pysanky Ukranian Easter Egg site that Laura referenced with the description and meanings of each of the  symbols. So much to learn with this Zentangle stuff!


  1. Totally beautiful. M-eggnificent, even!

  2. Both are very pretty - sucha nice and flowing design!

  3. Danni, these are lovely - so very beautiful. (PS - my name is ChristinA with an "a" on the end...) *G*

  4. Super creations Danni, I am loving version 2!

  5. A celebration of eggs! love them both.

  6. As excellent as always, Daniele!

  7. are absolutely beautiful eggs. They have really pop out at me with joy. I especially love version number two. It is gorgeous!

  8. These are great! I especially love the last one in sepia


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