
Testing 1, 2, 3

Yesterday was a long day, I was monitoring a teacher's exam all day. The process consists of sitting and watching the examinees as they participate in their testing; 12 hours of vigilance, strolling the isles, monitoring, and for concentration purposes, during my break times, tangling. The brown texture is from the paper towels I used at lunch time, the white stickers are leftover from labels we adhered to the tables, the imprints are my finger print tests on my own fingers to make sure it worked, and the touch of blue is from the leftover stickers we used. Viola, the art piece eeeze formed!

Fun to combine some multi-mediums (since no CDs were involved!) from my day into my Zentangle process. Junk is now a memory that I can put into an album and remember. People often say things like, I'll never get those xx hours back, but if  I'm mindful, and take the  time to be in the moment and be creative, it's not a mind-numbing experience or lost hours, it's just an experience, a texture, a time to be, and remember.


  1. Creative and resourceful always a great combination and mindful really is the key isn't it. Nice post to start my day - thanks

  2. Nice post, Danni. You know? I really like the black on brown, and the multi-medium is wonderful, too. Nicely done.

  3. @janeeThanks, and I agree Janee that brown on black is a good look. I'm going to try and find some "good quality" brownish paper.

  4. yes to above.The mixed media is effective.
    Must have been a LONG day having to supervise.


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