
Challenge #38 - Better Than a Pair of Ducks

Version 1 - Outline and shading
Version 2 - It's all about the lines, and..
going outside of the lines and adding some
 swirls and baubles
Version 3 - A little added texture
The Divas' challenge this week asks us to work on a Monotangle with Paradox, or "A Pair of Ducks" as the Diva says.

This was a request by Maria, this is a challenging tangle, one I only use only sparingly it does take much more concentration but once you get into the motion and start turning your tile it is very relaxing. I really enjoy using leaf shapes and squares for this pattern. It makes it more organic and lyrical? (love that word!)

Shading is a wonderful enhancement for this tangle. There's a lot of serendipity involved with this tangle, get into the motion and it's... oh that's what is formed? Kool!


  1. Wow, these are really cool! Love 'em.

  2. creative out of the box!! stunning!! all of them!!

  3. I love these, Danni. I enjoy your embellishments. Very nice, as usual. They have the Danni flair.

  4. Such fun in your work - love your organic touch with a tangle!

  5. Spectacular! I like the flow to the first one the best...I think. They are all lovely.

  6. Cool! I really like the first one.


Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to get your feedback.