
Challenge #64 - Fortune Teller

The Diva's challenge this week #64 - Fortune. She based this on the "coodie catcher" we used to use as children in school. The challenge asks us to divide our tile in half and then again, forming 8 sections (triangles) that will be our string.

I tried to respect the string but not hold it sacred. The key for me was to make each part relate to the other. For me this is always a part of my creative process. Acknowledging what the tangle is doing to the right and left, and relating each tangle to the other. I try to follow lines, rhythms, spaces so all things intermingle and relate. I find it really helps me achieve the "Zen" state of the Zentangle process and become totally enmeshed in what I'm doing. Looking at the big picture but not sweating the details, reveling in them!

I used Fengle (of course), Hollibough, Flying Geese, Tipple, Crescent Moon and some swirls beads and fluff. I also used a wonderful new tangle on the bottom right. It was based on a tattoo and I was taken with it when I saw it on one of the challenges. Can anyone tell me the name and creator?

Got it... the missing tangle is Allium by J.J. Labarbera, thanks Susan!
Overlay of original string


  1. Fascinating, your string is totally lost in a jumble of fun tangles. Captivating!

  2. What a wonderful, whimsical tile. I love it.

  3. A groovy game of pick a tangle, any tangle! Fun!!

  4. Wonderful tile! I like 'Allium' too. It was done by J.J. LaBarbera (with thanks to Genevieve Crabe's Tangle Organizer and J.J. LaBarbera).

  5. I just adore this tile. I love the idea of the middle tangle 'taking over'

  6. Wonderful tile!! Congratulations!!

  7. I love it! The tangled flow is beautiful.

  8. Cannot find the string anymore, but love it thought!!! Very creative!

  9. Loved the blurring of sections! Beautiful!

  10. Every tangle there dances with the others. It flows...ebbs and flows...almost off the page! Just like Life, hey? Diana

  11. Intelligent solution! Beautiful, makes me smile!

  12. Love it! and how the original string blends into the whole. :D


Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to get your feedback.