
Challenge #81 - Relay for Life Zendala

The Diva's Challenge #81 - was guest hosted by Erin Olsen, CZT of Bright Owl. She hosts the Zendala weekly challenges and presented a Zendala template based on Relay for Life. A great cause in the fight against cancer. Such a wonderful and worthy cause. I was up North at a friend's place this past week and internet was iffy and no scanner so I didn't get posted in time. When I got back late Saturday night there was a storm and my cable, internet, and phone were off.

Betweed, Beadz, Leaves, Auraknot, spirals, and more...
Because we were up north with no printer or scanner, I had to  free-hand  the template Erin provided. Wonky is my middle name, but I like the final results of my template interpretation. I concentrated on keeping my Zendalla light, open, and organic. The shading and lines were my focus. Erin's template allows wonderful flow and connection. The connection we all have in the fight against this devistating disease!

I felt leaving the open areas felt like the gaps left in our live's by loved ones who are gone. I lost my mother to lung cancer in 1996. I miss her and this week vacationing and sharing stories with old friends brought up a lot of stories and memories of our mothers. There was lot's of laughter and sharing and it was wonderful to share and remember family stories. My mother was a character and an amazing strong woman. She was challenging and could drive me crazy, but she was the person in my life that I knew loved me unconditionally and I dearly miss her.

This challenge also made me realize I need to concentrate on Zendalas much more. I've dipped my toe into the Zendala process but full immersion is necessary. I'd like to start presenting Zendala's classes in the future. Onward and upward in my Zentangle/CZT journey. Thanks for the boost Erin and a wonderful cause!


Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to get your feedback.