
Zendala Dare #19

Version 1: Lot's of Mookas', some Beadz, Flux and "Perfs"
add a  little shading and eet  eez complete! (French accent )
Okay, I'm jumping on the Zendala Dare bandwagon! Erin Koetz Olson, CZT of Bright Owl hosts a new Zendala Dare/challenge every Friday, and I'm joining the crowd. She does all the hard work for us and develops and supplies the templates in a variety of sizes and shapes. There is some inspirational work from all the participants, Check it out.

I've been putting this off as long as possible but I need to start working on more Zendalas. I'm all for freedom of tangles and forms so I was apprehensive about the confinement of the template, but this was a lot of fun and the template gives me freedom to play! I basically used the template as a string. Kept very close to the original form but my stuff will never look perfect and pristine. It's organic and wonky and wobbly but I still like the results.

I appreciate all those that have perfect lines and forms but mine doesn't go there.

I want to thank Erin for all her hard work and inspiration. I hope to learn a lot as I add this challenge to my weekly tangling assignments! Whoo-hoo! I enjoy the fact that these two pieces are so different.

Version 2: Paradox, Aura Knot Cross, Hollibaugh,
Sez, Auras, Rounding, and some Meer-Like forms.
I'll spare you the French accent again!


  1. I absolutely LOVE the mooka zendala! And the second is great too--very fun!

  2. The Mooka zendala is original and the second one has a great black and white balance.

  3. Very nice Daniele you have done some nice designs in this Dare.

  4. Thanks all for stopping by, I'm excited about joining this challenge! I know I'll learn a lot from all of you.


Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to get your feedback.