
Challenge #107 - New Official Tangle: Quandary and Tangleations Play

ZIA - Quandary Version 2 - Let it flow!
Quandary and tangleations, Shattuck, Float Fest
with Quabogs, and some Tipple
Rick and Maria released a new tangle in their newsletter this week. The tangle is called Quandary and Maria it's based on "6's and uses rice shaped sections. Check out all the wonderful tangleations of this new addition on Laura's Diva challenge. It's really a fun and versatile tangle. The CZT's at the training #10 got the first look at this tangle. I was at CZT training #6 and we got to learn Tripoli from Maria and Rick even before it was officially announced, how fun to be part of the "in" crowd!

My first version (below) shows a monotangle with a few variations and morphing added. My rice shapes seem to become more leaf like (to me). The pointed edges seem to be my rice shape, I added a swirly background and let the stamens flow!

Quandary, free form play with larger micron pen
I then played with a little more free form version of Quandary I've included my three variations and tangleations. Quandary still works using more free form shapes. I used a larger micron pen to give more of a free form brush stroke look. The bottom version has a Japanese calligraphy feel to it, I auraed the Quandary shapes and these wonderful triangles emerged. I enjoy the grey stroke using a soft lead HB pencil and adding some graduated shading to the top left version. The little fishies just emerged.

After playing with free form versions and rereading Maria's description, I did another tile. I had missed the forming triangles part in her description originally. Concentrating on forming triangle shapes and building on that, made my second version of Quandary flow much more easily. I really like my version #2. Oh what fun to play with Quandary!
Quandary Version 1 -
Monotangle morphed

Challenge #106 - The Year of the Snake and a little Heart!

Laura tells us that February 10th was the start of the Chinese New Year, and we are now in the Year of the Snake.   The Diva's challenge this week (#106) asks us to be inspired... by the Year of the Snake.  Check out all the inspirational solutions to this week's challenge.

I was sort of creeped out by the snake (not one of my faves as far as animals go), but the shapes and patterns their bodies create are beautiful, so that's where I started. I wanted to include a heart, since it is Valentine's week. I like the juxtaposition of the coiley, sometimes creepy, always slithery, snake with a little valentine with lace and darling heart, dangly things. I began my ZIA trying to explore a Celtic knot but got a little side tracked with fun textures, curves, and tangles.

I Betweed the heck out of my snake (love that tangle), added lot's of swirls, Printemps, some Aura Knot inspired stuff, Tipple, and BTL Jooz. I let the organic undulations of the snake form flow through this ZIA. Then I added the year, a few touches of red, and some danglies. I tried to show volume and texture and a little sweetness and lacy stuff. Happy YOTS and Valentine's Day!

Second Version - Celtic Knot Version
I Ssssseee You!

Divas Challenge #105 - UMT v. XIII: Dansk and Laura's Giveaway

Diva's challenge this week #105 is UMT Monday using Margaret Bremner's tangle Dansk. I used Dansk, Drupe, Hollibaugh, Printemp, Betweed, Tipple, BTL Joos steps, and stuff. It began with a Sunday art afternoon with my friend Jeanne. She had some acrylic pearlized ink that I tested as a background texture (string), letting that guide me as a starting point. As you can tell I chose not to follow the string completely, I then let the textures flow and talk to me - Don't your textures talk to you? - I digress, anyway, It was a fun exercise. A path flagged by BTL Jooz, add some steps, and the little environment is complete!

Clipboard back,
Mooka, Tipple, Aura Knot, Cadent, Printemps,
Paradox, Crescent Moon, Hollibaugh,
Changling, Dansk, and Betweed
Clipboard front
 A few Mooka and a pretty
little frame to center the particular
Zentangle tile I'm working on
I was also working on some small clipboards. Great for tangling on the go, I use them for portability and ease of travel with my tangling supplies. This small size ( (6' x 9") will easily fit in my bag/purse. These plain, smaller clipboards made of chipboard accept the micron pens well. With the darker background I found I needed to add lot's of touches of white with my trusty gel pen to make my tangles pop. I really love the results. I am going to finish them (this is my first) with a clear matt acrylic spray. That way they can be carted all over and still hold up. What do you think? Fun, huh?

TAD 2013 Calendar Give Away

Laura Harm is also having a Giveaway for one of Carol Ohl's 2013 Tangle-A-Day calendar, what fun! These calendars are great with lots of Carol's Zentangle Art to inspiring our tangling. She uses a wonderful high quality paper that works beautifully with our micron pens.  You just need to "like" Laura's Facebook page to enter. Check it out!

Basic Zentangle Class on a Wintery Michigan Evening

The class final tile ensemble, beautiful work!

A little sparkle and shine, they even played with Sanibelle!
I taught a Basic Zentangle class at the 212 this week. It was a cold snowy Michigan winter's evening but we were all cozy and warm inside. There was a lot of laughter and creative energy flowing. We had a great time and they everyone had a wonderful little "jewel" to take home. They all created some beautiful tiles and a good time was had by all!

Some of the group had time to try their new tangles using white and metallic gel pens on the black paper I brought. Beautiful work ladies!

The roads were a little dicey so one husband was nice enough to drop off and wait for his wife while she participated in our class, what a great guy!