
Challenge #111 - More-Mooka-Madness Monotangle-Mania

 Mooka is the focus of this weeks Diva Challenge #111. We're asked to do a Mooka monotangle and see what we can come up with for tangelations and explore the possibilities of this lovely tangle. Mooka is one of my very favorites, I love the flow and the concentration it takes to do this tangle correctly. It is beautiful and Mookalishish!

I chose to make my first version blump and luscious with Auras and a variety of textures behind each plump little beauty. I found a fun fern background to place behind my ZIA scan.

I then chose to do a large single Mooka with lots of lovely swirls and tendrils. I created this Mooka with one continuous line which created a single Mooka tangle shape. I then shaded the heck out of it. This process makes working with the flows and undulations of Mooka so enjoyable, you really have to remain present. This reminds me of a lovely swirling pin. Fun, fun, fun!

I also included a white recycled tile I created this Christmas. I did quite a few this December and meant to show some of them on the blog. So this is the perfect week to show this tile. I didn't use any grey so it was an exercise in using my line work and stippling to create shading. It sits it on a metal frame stand displayed it in my living room  It isn't a monotangle but I love the way Mooka turned out on this piece.

When Rick and Maria came out with their first video showing Maria creating this beautiful tangle I went a little CRAZY, I mooka for two weeks straight I just couldn't stop drawing this fabulous tangle. So for me it's one of my faves and always a go to to add a touch of elegance to any of my work!

This Mooka ZIA was created using one
continuous line
This is a 6" recycled tile I did this Christmas:
With Mooka, Diva Dance, Tipple, and Nipa
Beadz, Msst, and some stuff


  1. Oh Dani, I love your mooka in more ways than I can express. I must mention how the movement in the drawing is like looking sea plants at the bottom of the ocean swaying with the waves. Gorgeous!

  2. Treats galore! Tangling in a continuous line sounds a super idea, Dani you have weaved some magic!

  3. All are great but the first one is my favourite

  4. Wonderful Mookusses?
    The first one really grabs me!

  5. All your Mooka tiles arte very, very beautiful.

  6. Like the first with the auras and different textures the best. The continuous motion one must have been a challenge but look great.

  7. Wow! All are lovely, but that single line mooka sounds like quite a challenge. I may have to see if I can do that. Still, my favorite is the first one, because I'm so attracted too the plump mookas, Rick style.

  8. Very cool Mookas, Love the top one, neato

  9. Daniele, I love your unique approach in each of your tiles. What an inspiration. You've shown me possibilities I had never thought of. Nice work!

  10. These are amazing! I really love the tile created in Dec. The composition and flow are stunning!

  11. Great job on the Mooka, just beautiful!

  12. You are a mooka specialist. I love the second one, great that it is only one stroke. Beautiful

  13. Your work is so beautiful.I love them all! The one continuous line blows me away!

  14. Oh, how Mookalishish your Mooka's are! Love the gracefulness of your long, curvy pods.

  15. I love the things you show here! You really are an expert in/with Mooka.

  16. Beautiful. Love your juicy mooka swirls :)

  17. Oof, I tried to follow the line of #2 with my eyes only, but I quit.... LOL!! It's awesome!

  18. Oh wow! I love the first with the heavy bulbous heads that drape; and the embellished curly bits, and the way you've aura'd the whole thing. Spectacular. And your second one is awesome - couldn't imagine keeping track of those lines! I love the super curled mooka, balanced with the straighter background ones.

  19. This tile makes me smile big! It's fanciful and very well done.

  20. I love your first one. I tried to do something similar today and failed miserably. Your's looks great though!

  21. wow!!!! this is fabulous work, I'm in love with your mookas

  22. These are all so beautiful! I can't say why exactly, but I am especially drawn to the first one. Just gorgeous!


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