
Challenge #114 - "You with the Stars in your Eyes" - Stars Version 2

Third final scan version with shading and highlights...
It eeze complete!
The Diva's challenge this week revisits Stars. Laura said she was inspired this time by Rosemary Clooney's "Hey There You With the Stars in Your Eyes" video on Youtube.

I'm teaching a Beyond Basic's course on Thursday night, so this was the perfect opportunity to scan my work process and demonstrate the power of shading, contrast, and line work to enhance Zentangle inspired work. I scanned each phase: basic tangle outlines, added blacks for contrast, and then the final piece with shading, line work and highlights. I tend to bounce a round a bit when I'm working; I lay down my structure (string) then tangle part, shade a little, go to next, come back, turn, view, add more contrast, highlights, line work, this was a little different. I had to keep myself from going onto the next "phase", challenging, but interesting to have a different focus.

I chose to "enhance" the star string by using it as a separator for my sections, There is a lot going on and the white helps to give some breathing space so each tangle can speak.  I used Mooka as a background texture and then filled the inner spaces with Shattuck, Fengle, Web, Printemps, Betweed as the center "medallion, and a teeny, tiny Paradox. A few Auras and highlights, and it's done. Very fun, thanks Laura!

I did go back and look at my past challenge solutions for the first star challenge, #4, which was in January of 2011, check it out. My style has changed, which is a good thing. It's nice to know we're always growing, learning, and changing and  focus varies as the years pass. I had just begun tangling that previous summer, my how time flies!

First scan with just the basic string
and tangle outlines
Second scan with "blacks" added
for initial contrast


  1. And it's beautiful! I really appreciate how you explained your steps and which tangles you used. The blacks really add pizzazz.

  2. I enjoyed seeing the different stages and what a difference each addition made.


  3. So different and so beautiful. I love the star beeing a string.

  4. I love the movement in this tile, it's beautiful.

  5. I like the way you do your Mooka. Very cool!

  6. Beautiful. Love how you used the star as your string!

  7. Pretty - and I love what you did with mooka!

  8. Like what you've done. Like how the betweed stands out in the middle.

  9. Your star really stands out, and I love your shading!

  10. Fabulous shapes and structure, super shading.

  11. A great ribbon star used as a string. And what a difference between the three pieces. I love to see the proces of drawing, coloring and shading, one can see the drawing come a life. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I love seeing the process you went 'thru to make your tile. It's a beautiful tile.

  13. Great fengle and I really like your curvy shattuck. It was interesting to see all three stages.

  14. You are a genius, using the star as a string! Bravo!

  15. What a fabulous combination of tangles! Mooka and Fengle are indeed just WOW!

  16. Wonderful! Amazing seeing the difference between the outlined design and the added block in and shading :)

  17. Oh, I do love this with the star outline and various fills.


Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to get your feedback.