
Challenge #116 - Blind Sighted

#116 Knightsbridge, Mooka Leaves, Schway, Betweed, Tipple,
Aura Knot / Celtic Knot , Beadz, and Quabog
Laura Harms Diva challenge for this week, #116 is revisiting the blind string challenge. It, on the one hand, makes it easier since we have no control over the "string" creation, we just close our eyes and scribble, or let it flow. On the other hand it puts those of us who need to control in a tail spin. I'm a go with the flow gal on this, didn't really like the initial blind string outcome. When I close my eyes my string is verrrry small, so when I opened my eyes and saw how small it had come out I closed my eyes and added one more loop. Not cheating, right?

Fun challenge, I don't think I'll use this string again, but it was an enjoyable process. I let the string "guide me" not hold me hostage.

I used the new tangle Schway by Rick Roberts, my version is a tangelation, but it holds true to the basics of the tangle.

#116 - Blind string overlay
I then added Knightsbridge, Mooka Leaves (my tangelation), Betweed, Tipple, Aura Knot / Celtic Knot  (sort of - focus on the knot/snarl!),
Beadz, and Quabog.

I'm working on a new "chop" for my signature. I really love MT's new circular signature initials which inspired me to try something different.

A lot going on in this ZIA, but as always, I enjoyed the process. I am going to try to incorporate tangles that are new to me in my work. I love using my comfort tangles which Maria calls "mac 'n cheese" tangles (thanks Maria) but I also want to stretch myself, so I'm committing to getting out of my comfort zone.

I'm also showing my second version of last week's Earth / Amanda challenge. I tried to have it done by Saturday evening but life got in the way. The ZIA I posted last week used color and was more representational/illustrative, so I decided to go back and use my basic string for the Earth Day challenge and Zentangle Inspire / tangle it in black and white (Purist that I am)!
Earth/ Amanda Day - Challenge #115 Version 2 - Zentanglized (Black and White)
Munchin, Leaves, Florz, Hybrid, Beadz, Tipple, Auras,
Sea and Mountain (mine), Stars, and some waves


  1. This turned out lovely, and no, you didn't cheat. Eyes closed is eyes closed. I like the way you showed us the overlay of your original string. Now I have to go find out where to find Schway. It's not on Linda Farmer's site, so I'll have to check out my CZT site I guess. Must have missed it.

  2. Love the zentangle. I'll have to look up mac and cheese 'cuz I don't know which one it is. I too want to get out of my comfort zone, which is pretty easy to do so far, lol! I love your Sea and Mountain! Beautiful second version of your Earth Day design.

  3. Great string and great result. Strings don't have to be just one pencil line, as far as I know. Some definitely have more than one starting point. Blind or watching, I scribble till I've got enough to go on, then delete what I don't use. The overlay is a great idea, too.

  4. I don't think you cheated, you closed your eyes to draw your string. I love the idea of showing the string. How did you do that? Both of these tiles are beautiful. I noticed Maria's new chop too. I like what you have done with yours.

  5. Wow, wow, wow! I think this is wonderful! I especially like the unusual collection of tangles.

  6. I am guessing that the pattern that really catches my eye is Quabog! So fun to look at! It works so well with all the other zentangle patterns! Amanda world is outstanding!

  7. Like the result. Was a lot of space to fill or decide what to do with it. I have my string but have not started to tangle it yet as I created the string at work and want to take a picture of it. It will definitely have more white space. Again, great job and really like the shading.

  8. Great tile. I like the curved Knightsbridge.

  9. Great Daniella, Your string is beautiful filled with great tangle patterns.

  10. Oh goodness! Beautiful blind string tile! I so admire your ability to do aura knot! I also love the earth day tile ... Simply amazing!

  11. Wow - Your blind string turned out so pretty. Nice shading and your Mooka leaves are unique. Will have to try those! Also, your Earth Day/Amanda piece is fantastic!

    Be happy :)

    Jacque Solomon

  12. I like the way the knightsbridge is behind the tangles but so dominant. Very nice.

  13. So much to look at and enjoy! Both pieces are beautiful, and inspiring. I love the way you did mooka, and also that knightsbridge get squeezed toward the middle but shows up on the other side.... Thank you for naming the tangles you used.

  14. This tile is great, I love the tangles and a great thing in it is Knightsbridge!

  15. I love the hands holding the ball (earth?) So beautiful. Congrats on a beautiful tile Daniele.


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