
Challenge #137 - Knights Over Tipple

Tipple and Knightsbridge with a little
ribbon "sewn" through
This week's Diva Challenge for week #137 is to do a Duotangle (phrased coined by the Diva) using Tipple and Knightsbridge, two of my go-to tangles... so eazy peezy? A little more challenging than I expected. I chose to go big and bold, another go-to for me, and work on the line quality and shading. I think I like the result, it's got lot's of movement and the shading was a blast. I really enjoy the contrast of hard and soft using these 2 tangles.

Notice how neat my sewing is? I sew with my pen, much safer than a needle and thread!

To check out other work go to the Diva's site. It's always great to see all the wonderful variety and creativity for each week's challenge . Thanks Diva, another fun one!

Tried another version of this week's challenge with a few variations on the theme of Tipple and Knightbridge. Kept the line quality a little more consistent to see what happened. Use a zig-zag string for a different feel. A web is just the structure of KB without the checkerboard, right? After all, Halloween is just around the corner...

Version Two
Variations on a theme...


  1. Lovely and imaginative tile! I like your Tipple-balls!!

  2. Beautiful tile,
    Great balance between Knights and Tipple!
    Love the sewing on Tipple.

  3. Beautiful tile,
    Great balance between Knights and Tipple!
    Love the sewing on Tipple.

  4. I love this one! I like all the different sizes of Tipple and they look like they are bouncing on a blanket of Knightsbridge.

  5. Really different. I especially like the top stitching on the strips over the tipple. Very nice work.

  6. Replies
    1. And also, congratulations on the book! It must be quite a thrill to see it for real.

  7. I would have never thought to make the tipple SO big -- it is fantastic!

  8. Fabulous! I really love the super-sized tipple threaded with ribbon :)

  9. I love that this looks like a cartoon because you did such a great job with your shading! Nice contrast, a very fun tile!

  10. Your supersized tipple is fantastic!!

  11. Like the stitched ribbon and the wave in the second one.

  12. So glad you popped into my blog so that I could find yours! So much inspiration here! I love your first take on the challenge, those Tipple balls with the "sewing" remind me of the balls our sportsmen use for playing Cricket here in South Africa. Your shading on the Tipple is exquisite!
    I adore your second version too, especially the crosshatching on the Tipple.

  13. Love the baseballs in the first version. And that version 2 has totally won me over!

  14. I love the bands on your tipple! Great tiles, both of them!


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