
Challenge #151 - String Theory: Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day

The week's Diva's challenge  #151 features the Moebius Syndrome Foundation's logo as our focus/string. Laura has featured this particular challenge for the last three years to bring awareness to her son Artoo's condition. This is my third year for the Moebius challenge. I so appreciate the fact that her weekly challenge have opened my eyes to this condition. It's been an honor to follow her fabulous little guys journey through his life and being able to share his challenges.

Artoo told his mom that he wants to be a Palaeontologist when he grows up, so this one's for you little guy. A few Dinosaurs to help bring awareness to this syndrome and help his heart smile! Tomorrow is MSAD (Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day). Check out the Diva's site to see all the wonderful contributions for this week.

Challenge #150 - One Little Word - Maitri

The Diva's challenge this week asks us to choose a word that will guide us for 2014. I chose the Maitri; a Sanskript word meaning Gentle loving kindness towards oneself, feeling at home with one's own mind and body. I think the only way to pursue goals is to recognize where we are and be comfortable with ourselves. If I don't like me then why should anyone else? I do want to pursue my higher self and creativity and I think that the only way I am able to change is if I recognize where I'm beginning.
Being open, creative, loving, kind, having gratitude for all you have, pursuing a higher purpose is my goal for the new year.

Challenge #149 - The New Year, 2014

Challenge #149 , the first Monday of 2014, a New Year, New Challenges, New Opportunities to enhance and grow our creative muscles. The Diva's challenge this week asks us to feature the New Year, 2014. Thanks again Diva, I know it's going to be a great new year. Here is my wish for all of you, Happy New Year!