
Challenge #253 - New Tangle: Molygon

Molygon, Tripoli, Mooka, Shattuck with ribbons
and Baublz in the Renaissance Tile fashion
This weeks Diva's Challenge #253 asks us to use the new tangle Molygon. This tangle was introduced last week in the Zentangle newsletter, sign up here.

This tangle is a wonderful addition to Zentangle . It does have so much variety and works well on it's own or nestled in other tangles. It works much like Tripoli with the spacing and ability to grow and morph.

There is a lot going on with my tile for this week's challenge. I really wanted to work on a renaissance color tile version for my attempt this week. I love the qualities sepia pens, white pencil, and white gel pens lend to the Renaissance tile coloration. I think I brought everything AND the kitchen sink to this one. Got a little carried a way with my patterning but I am okay with the final results.

The two striped Mollygon's in the center took on a caterpillar feel to me, so, of course, I added some antenni. Maybe these are Bijou's cousins, no?

I was trying to connect and pull the interior tangles through this piece, connectivity was my goal. I incorporated so much movement that I think it is distracting but it was fun to play with this new addition to the tangle family. I also wanted to work with the reflective quality the Renaissance tile allows with the white highlights

Molygon, Purk beads, Mooka tendrils,
Crescent Moon, Tipple, and Stripings

I did play with Mollygon last week so I'm reposting that version. I took my leads on this black and white version from the variations shown in the current Zentangle newsletter.

Check out all the wonderful solutions for the Diva's challenge this week.


  1. Gorgeous work! Your Diva piece is really amazing. It keeps the eye moving and it's beautifully composed. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog because it brought me many lovely things to look at:-)

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  3. You have made from this challenge, a real masterpiece, using a Rennaissance tile was a spendid idea, it's beautifull!!!

  4. I love this tile! So beautiful!

  5. The two tiles show how versatile this pattern - and you - can be. Very nice work.

  6. Love how you play with the colors in the first tile, it's definitely my favorite!

  7. Wonderful, so glossy and you made me laugh with the caterpillar antennae in the middle.

  8. Wonderful tiles! I love the composition of tangles and the colours on the Renaissance tile!

  9. Both are wonderful! Especially I like the first one ... it´s stunning!

  10. I like the Renaissance tile the best. Like the brown and black combination with white highlighting.


Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to get your feedback.