Tangled tin can lid, Printemps, Crescent Moon, Hollibaugh with Mooka / Pod tendrils and lot's of sparkle and shine (I hope) |
The Diva's challenge this week has a guest poster filling in, Amy Broady, CZT from Knoxville, Tennessee. She is celebrating Leap Day (a day that happens only once every 4 years). So, to celebrate she asks us to make our tangle work Shine! Or gleam. Or glint. Add a special touch. She challenges us to include a METALLIC feature in the tangled art for this week.
I chose to embrace the challenge full tilt, go ALL the way. I tangled a tin can lid using my Staedler permanent pens for the black, and Sakura white and metallic gel pens for the embellishments.
Fun times. For this piece I wanted to make my tangled lid become part of my ZIA. I chose Hollibaugh with Pod extensions, Crescent Moon and lot's of Mooka-like tendrils. Add auras and lots of layers and it is complete.!
I find it difficult to represent the metallic quality with a camera, so I added a closeup detail to show the sparkly quality of this piece. It's done on and 8.5 x 11 sheet.
Close up of detail |