
Challenge #15: Love your Curves, Baby

Laura Harms' Challenge for week #15 is to draw curves, Yippee, love my curves - pun intented. I have always been a curvy gal and appreciate a good curve. Rubens has always been a favorite of mine his portrayal of women as curvy volumptuous glowing being is wonderful! You go Peter Paul! I really enjoy life drawing and when I was in college one of my favorite life drawing models was an older woman with wonderful curves and lines, I loved drawing her. She had a wonderful dignity and prescence and carried herself beautifully. Our class had a variety of models through the semester; males, females, thin, muscular, curvy, and I found the more curvy model much more appealing to draw.

So, this is my view on curves - Love 'em, embrace them and enjoy them.

I must say, I was surprised at how satisfying I found the straight line challenge last week but curves are my comfort zone, they make sense and flow easily and naturally for me. My path through life has always been circuitous, curvy, not linear.

Same basic string with different patterns more white space

After looking at my first version I decided to go for a cleaner crisper more graphic, less organic version, this is the result. Still used flutter pie, knights bridge, tipple, and betweed but left more white space and cleaner lines.
Curves II.


  1. You have great depth in this one, Danni. It has a feel of furrows and fields - very organic.

  2. OOh, I love your creation of betweed, it adds mystery!

  3. Elaborate tiles such as this one just blow me away! You've taken each pattern to the max and blended them all just beautifully!

  4. Lovely. I like the piece of string coming out of the first one :)

  5. Luscious and lean - love them both.

  6. ditto, ditto, and ditto...but have to your betweed here especially :)

  7. I think I like the second one the best. Good job!


Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to get your feedback.