
Versa for Spring

Laura Harms threw up a mid-week challenge with her new tangle Versa. This tangle reminds me of something light and airy like the wispy little blossoms appearing on the trees as the weather begins to warm and green little shoots begin to poke their heads out of the thawing soil. Seeds sprouting...

Spring represents new growth and renewal and I embrace it wholly! I'm ready to open my windows and air out my place. The smell of fresh clean linens drying on the line and warm gentle breezes freshening up the that stuffy winter smell. Windows opened, screens inserted, I can hardly wait.

Of course it's 19° this morning, so I am doing a Spring Zentangle and thinking good thoughts as I cuddle under my big warm comforter. There is hope that Spring will be arriving any day now. No snow, please!


  1. This is a fabulous tangle. Movement, line, and it just speaks beauty!

  2. Very lovely tangle! It really speaks of the feeling of spring.

  3. Beautiful! Very light and airy!

  4. i love it!! looks so spring like, sure could use some of that up here... the snow is SLOWLY melting...


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