
Challenge #22 - "A Little Help from my Friends"

This past week I attended the VI class of the Certified Zentangle Teacher Training in Whitinsville, MA. It was a wonderful experience and I met a bunch of talented people. This is to pay homage to my CZT training seminar. How clever to combine two in one - The Diva's challenge #22, plus other fun stuff.

I just got home from my trip and hadn't started this weeks challenge yet, so late last night I asked my cat to draw me a string, no answer... so I had to close my eyes and draw my own (that was a choice given by the Diva) so I took... it and oh what fun we're having!

While in Whitinsville we were asked to develop a tangle of our own based on the architecture or something at the Oakhurst Retreat Center, which is fabulous. Anyway, I came up with the center tangle which I call "Cross View". More to come...

Cross View notebook development


  1. Love this Danni! Gillian was there at CZT VI from Tasmania. She wrote home that she'd "landed in Zentangle heaven". I can only guess at how fabulous a time you all had. (Roll on, October!!) I love Cross View!

  2. Yes, it was Zentangle heaven! Met the most wonderful people. Inspiration coupled with lot's of laughter, it was THE BEST! I know your going to have a wonderful time in October.

  3. Love "Cross view"! It's amazing how many tangles are found at Oakhurst, I'm sure each new CZT group finds new ones every session.

  4. Cross View makes wonderful frame or border. I am so happy for you and your inspirational time I hope your cat was impressed even if he didn't comment!

  5. I love your new tangle, Danni. And the artwork is great; isn't it fun to work "CZT" into your drawing to celebrate? I had so much fun doing that I ended up doing an entire week of it! I'm so glad you enjoyed your seminar and I'm looking forward to watching what you come up with next!

  6. This is great! I can't wait to give it a try!

  7. i can't believe your cat didn't want to draw your string!!

  8. I don t have the time at the moment to fully read your site but I have bookmarked it and also add your RSS feeds. I will be back in a day or two. thanks for a great site. kanker chemokuur


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