
Weekly Challenge #23: "String Theory"

This weeks Diva's challenge gives us all the same string and tells us to go for it! I'm going to try this a couple more of these. I love the fact that we're all starting from the same place or string and then going in our own directions. The variety and creativity that ensues is AMAZING. I really enjoy seeing the variety developed from one string by all you amazingly creative sources. What fun the weekly challenge is!

I'm still influenced by the Whitinsville seminar so I'm working on some tangles we looked at with Rick and Maria and just playing with new tangles. Printemps, Knightsbridge, Quabog, Vega, some Tipple, and my tangle Cross View.

This ZIA has more of a drawing quality to it... I love playing with the variety of line qualities (thick and  thin) and working with the shading on the organic shapes that are created. The challenge for me with shading is the not to muddy the image and to make sure there is enough contrast between the darks and lights.

One of the things Maria kept telling us was to pick up our tiles and look at them from a distance and turn them. The Zentangle process does make it easy to immerse ourselves and not see the big picture. It's sort of the point of a meditative process but we all need to look at the big picture to see the full impact in our Zentangles or our lives.

My second version has Purk, Betweed, Diamond Panes, Hybrid, Keeko, a Printempish tangle and other "stuff". Technical, huh?


  1. I love this Danielle! I especially like the new Neil Burley design running through it!

  2. @Molly Bee
    Thanks Molly, not sure which design/tangle resembles Neil Burley's, is he another CZT?

  3. Beautiful. It is amazing , all those different tangles that come up when we all use the same string.I like cross view very much.

  4. Hi Daniele, thanks for your nice comment on my blog. Congratulations on completing the training! I hope to one day attend myself. I love your tiles, and also like the cross view pattern you created. Hope to see you around regularly - happy tangling!

  5. I love both of them. It's fun to see some new tangles that I haven't run across before. I'm looking forward to using them as soon as I find the instructions.
    Thanks for your comment.


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