
Challenge #137 - Knights Over Tipple

Tipple and Knightsbridge with a little
ribbon "sewn" through
This week's Diva Challenge for week #137 is to do a Duotangle (phrased coined by the Diva) using Tipple and Knightsbridge, two of my go-to tangles... so eazy peezy? A little more challenging than I expected. I chose to go big and bold, another go-to for me, and work on the line quality and shading. I think I like the result, it's got lot's of movement and the shading was a blast. I really enjoy the contrast of hard and soft using these 2 tangles.

Notice how neat my sewing is? I sew with my pen, much safer than a needle and thread!

To check out other work go to the Diva's site. It's always great to see all the wonderful variety and creativity for each week's challenge . Thanks Diva, another fun one!

Tried another version of this week's challenge with a few variations on the theme of Tipple and Knightbridge. Kept the line quality a little more consistent to see what happened. Use a zig-zag string for a different feel. A web is just the structure of KB without the checkerboard, right? After all, Halloween is just around the corner...

Version Two
Variations on a theme...

Challenge #134 - "Use My Tangle" is Beamz by Traci F

Version one - lot's of curves, Crescent Moon,
Printemps, Mooka tendrils, orbs, and stuff

Version two - Beamz and Mooka,
with a little Float Fest and Tipple floating through

This weeks Diva Challenge #134 is a UMT challenge featuring Traci F's tangle Beamz. This tangle seemed a little out of my comfort zone with it's straight lines, but once I really got into it, it lent itself beautifully to the organic, curvy lines that I gravitate towards. By ignoring the straight lines and getting into the string creation it was actually fun to play with!

I took this tangle and then ran with the curves, and window effects I saw emerging. Windows are such a great device, we see into them and through them. The premise of creating many windows/squares with one line is really drew me in. It's like eating potato chips... you can't draw just one. I paired this tangle with a weak attempt of the new Zentangle tangle Well in the first tile, added some Crescent Moon, Tipple, Auras, shading and curves and I like the completed tile.

In my second version I paired Beamz with Mooka. I love how the Mooka tendrils curve and undulate through Beamz, lot's of line work and shading and the final ZIA was a blast to create!

Check out the other postings for this challenge. It's so much fun to see how differently everyone interprets this tangle, lot's of possibilities.