
Challenge #251 - Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day

Moebius Logo surrounded by Tripoli and Tipple accents
This week's challenge brings attention to Moebius Awareness Day, which is Sunday, January 23. It's a challenge that Laura Harms posts yearly. For those of you have not heard of Moebius Syndrome, Laura describes it as a congenital nerve disorder affecting cranial VI and VII nerves controlling the lateral movement of her son, Artoo's face. Her Challenges and wonderful blog raise awareness of this Syndrome. It has been an honor to share and learn more about their family, and Laura's willingness to share Artoo's progress and growth with us.

The Moebius logo seemed to call for the use of a triangular tangle pattern to accent this symbol. Tripoli seems to let the symbol nestle in beautifully.

Past posts of this challenge:
#151 Moebius Awareness Challenge,   #103 MACD#55 MACD.


  1. Wow, the logo surrounded by Tripoli is gorgeous!

  2. Wow! I usually avoid Tripoli myself. It's nice to see it done so well!

  3. A great response, I especially like how you have done the tipple, clever.

  4. Tripoli IS perfect for this challenge! And the way you have done the background makes it a show-stopper. Very beautiful tile.

  5. I like your combination of hard and soft elements. Your Moebius Strip is very well draw.


Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to get your feedback.