
Diva Challenge #301 - DuoTangle (Sort of) - Paradox vs Diva Dance

DuoTangle (Sort of) - Paradox, Diva Dance,
and a little Lumpi,
The Diva features Rick and Maria's video "Kitchen Table Tangles" with Rick doing his Paradox with Diva Dance. He does it with such patience and structure, love watching his process and listening to both he and Maria.

I really love Paradox, but we were not always friends, with persistence, and lot's of practice, we became very close. I enjoy the way this tangle takes on different forms depending on the original shape / structure that encases Paradox. I chose to begin with a square and let it build from there.

I always feature this tangle in my Beyond Basics class. I feel it's one of the tangles that takes complete concentration, it makes you pay attention. I also enjoy the fact that is can really morph into such a beautiful organic, curvy delight. I tried to show the variation of form, line weight, the difference adjusting spacing of each line makes in the look of Paradox.

Lumpi is a tangle by Natalie Plechova that I just came across on YouTube and I had to incorporate it. I TRIED to keep this a DuoTangle, but I am WEAK...

I tucked my chop in the same fashion as Rick's, inspiration by our fearless leaders :)

Check out all the other great submissions this week at Diva Central.

Diva Challenge #300 - Moebius Awareness Day

Moebius Syndrome Awarness - version1
Dancers, Smiles, Hearts, Mooka, Tipple, and Printemps

Moebius Syndrome Awarness - version 2
Moebius Awareness logo with Tripoli, some Hearts and Purple!

The Diva Reached her 300th Challenge this week, congratulations to her. For this week's challenge we revisit the Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day. Her son Artoo has this syndrome and through her blog we have seen his progress and amazing development.

This is the fifth Moebius Syndrome Awareness Challenge I've had the honor to participated in: Challenge #55, #103, #151, #251.  I chose to use a 3Z tile size and shape. The slogan "Smile With Your Heart" is a wonderful uplifting message so I used that as my inspiration.

Check out the other wonderful tiles for this week's 300th Diva Challenge.






 Challenge #299 - Drawings and Triangle Exploration

Combined Triangle Tiles, Common String, with touches of blue

triangle tiles 1-5
triangle tiles 6-8
Last week I decided to try my hand at triangle tiles. Mine are not equilateral (only 2 sides are 3.5") since I cut them out of a divided circle. but it gave me the basic feel. I created a template and I cutout my in the "fashion of" the official Zentangle® 3Z triangle tiles.This was more of an exploration in sections. I used the Zentangle blog Twelve Days of 3Zs Christmas Challenge as inspiration. Things got way out of hand and I couldn't stop myself. I finished up my pieces Sunday night.

Lot's of tangles and techniques for these pieces:
  1. Shattuck, Cresent Moon, Drawings, Tripoli,
  2. Lolliwhop, Knightsbridge, Mac-Ra-Me, Gourdeous
  3. ICanThis, Poke Berry, Knightsbridge,
  4. Drawings, Tipple,
  5. Marasu, Poke Leaf, Molygons, Printemps, with Bijou's cousin
  6. Tripoli, Crescent Moon, Moowa,     Knightsbridge, Purk beadz
  7. Tripoli, Hollibaugh, Tipple
  8. Drawings, Diva Dance

This is over the top for me but what the heck!

Challenge #298 - UMT - Orbs-la-Dee by Anneke van Dam

Mooka, MI2, Knightsbridge, Orbs-la-Dee, Pressedwood, Printemps,
Betweed, Baublz, Dancers, Leaves, Crescent Moonisms, Munchin, and more...