Diva's Challenge for Week #20 is to take inspiration from the Kate and William wedding at Westminster Abbey. All the fol-de-rol for this wedding has been insane. I had NO intention of watching the event but lately I've done quite a bit of waking up at ridiculously early hours so, as luck would have it, I found myself wide awake on that particular Friday in the weeee hours and there it was when I turned on my TV???
Me without a hat or fascinator, tiara or anything fancy smancey, on my couch, with my fashionable snowmen flannel pj's and my cat Miranda, coffee cup in hand sat watching the big event! I didn't mean to watch it, so it's okay. I had laughed at my neice when she told me she was taking a long weekend and beginning her vacae with a Friday 5 am wake up plan to watch the wedding. Mine doesn't count because I didn't P L A N on it. What am I? A wedding snob?
My inspiration came from the union jack, the gorgeous elaborate medals, the wonderful architecture and the fabulous old stone Westminster Abbey. Here in the USA we think buildings are old if they've been around longer that 100 years, pshaw, that's nothin'. The image of Kate and William sitting with the children in the wedding party inspired the second ZIA.
I attended another wedding today, a dear friend of mine met a lovely man (soul mate), and today, they tied the knot. It was a whirl wind romance, in a sense, but they seem so happy so right for each other. They are best friends and it's a gift that they found each other. When friends asked why they decided to marry, the future bride and groom said "
What are we waiting for, we're 70 years old!"
It was a beautiful service and their minister was wonderful. in her sermon she talked about the two of them finding each other and how each of them completes the other. It was a real tear jerker and even the minister had tears in her eyes. I am so happy for them.
We had bachelorette party for her at my place last Sunday. Five gals getting together for lunch, laughter, manicures, and facials. It was lot's of fun. I let the Bride to be look through my tangles and said she could choose 2 or 3 that I would frame for her wedding gift. She chose 9! She liked so many that she couldn't choose (Right answer!). I printed off copies of all 9 so she can switch them out into the frames I got her.
Today, for their wedding luncheon, I tangled up a lovely zentangle designed nut cup container for them using the
bon-bon box template. I created the artwork, scanned it in, then printed it on card stock. It's an easy pattern to cut out on and fold, and it was fun to tangle. My friend and her groom, John, both teared up when they saw the little zentangle folded boxes I had made for them. They are the perfect people to make something special for; those who appreciate the love and time put into a homemade gift, are a gift for the giver (that would me moi!).
Here's the nut cup design flattened out, what fun! So here's to another special wedding!