
Challenge #116 - Blind Sighted

#116 Knightsbridge, Mooka Leaves, Schway, Betweed, Tipple,
Aura Knot / Celtic Knot , Beadz, and Quabog
Laura Harms Diva challenge for this week, #116 is revisiting the blind string challenge. It, on the one hand, makes it easier since we have no control over the "string" creation, we just close our eyes and scribble, or let it flow. On the other hand it puts those of us who need to control in a tail spin. I'm a go with the flow gal on this, didn't really like the initial blind string outcome. When I close my eyes my string is verrrry small, so when I opened my eyes and saw how small it had come out I closed my eyes and added one more loop. Not cheating, right?

Fun challenge, I don't think I'll use this string again, but it was an enjoyable process. I let the string "guide me" not hold me hostage.

I used the new tangle Schway by Rick Roberts, my version is a tangelation, but it holds true to the basics of the tangle.

#116 - Blind string overlay
I then added Knightsbridge, Mooka Leaves (my tangelation), Betweed, Tipple, Aura Knot / Celtic Knot  (sort of - focus on the knot/snarl!),
Beadz, and Quabog.

I'm working on a new "chop" for my signature. I really love MT's new circular signature initials which inspired me to try something different.

A lot going on in this ZIA, but as always, I enjoyed the process. I am going to try to incorporate tangles that are new to me in my work. I love using my comfort tangles which Maria calls "mac 'n cheese" tangles (thanks Maria) but I also want to stretch myself, so I'm committing to getting out of my comfort zone.

I'm also showing my second version of last week's Earth / Amanda challenge. I tried to have it done by Saturday evening but life got in the way. The ZIA I posted last week used color and was more representational/illustrative, so I decided to go back and use my basic string for the Earth Day challenge and Zentangle Inspire / tangle it in black and white (Purist that I am)!
Earth/ Amanda Day - Challenge #115 Version 2 - Zentanglized (Black and White)
Munchin, Leaves, Florz, Hybrid, Beadz, Tipple, Auras,
Sea and Mountain (mine), Stars, and some waves

Challenge #115 - Amanda Day or Earth Day

Earth/Amanda Day Celebration!
Printemps, Waves, Auras galore
and lots of color
The Diva's challenge this week #115 is to interpret Mother Earth for Earth Day. Laura Harm's son Chewy named the Earth Amanda so that's what this challenge is being called. Great to have the kids point of view here! Lot's of wonderful variations for this challenge, check it out.

My interpretation of Earth/Amanda Day began with researching recycle, earth logos. I really enjoy the recycle arrows and the hands cupping the Earth globe. We are meant to protect the Earth for the future. That's what I went with.

I tried to represent Earth, Water (using a Japanese wave interpretation as a reference), and Sky with stars, of course. I thought it would be a peaceful, gentle representation but it is more active and effervescent than I first thought it would be. Hopefully it looks uplifting and supportive of the Earth.

I pulled out the Inktense pencils that I got a while ago, I've admired them, just haven't actually taken them out of the container. So color and wash were my focus. Fun, crazy, and colorful. It's more of a celebration of the Earth/ Amanda and all it's elements and sparkle.

Challenge #114 - "You with the Stars in your Eyes" - Stars Version 2

Third final scan version with shading and highlights...
It eeze complete!
The Diva's challenge this week revisits Stars. Laura said she was inspired this time by Rosemary Clooney's "Hey There You With the Stars in Your Eyes" video on Youtube.

I'm teaching a Beyond Basic's course on Thursday night, so this was the perfect opportunity to scan my work process and demonstrate the power of shading, contrast, and line work to enhance Zentangle inspired work. I scanned each phase: basic tangle outlines, added blacks for contrast, and then the final piece with shading, line work and highlights. I tend to bounce a round a bit when I'm working; I lay down my structure (string) then tangle part, shade a little, go to next, come back, turn, view, add more contrast, highlights, line work, this was a little different. I had to keep myself from going onto the next "phase", challenging, but interesting to have a different focus.

I chose to "enhance" the star string by using it as a separator for my sections, There is a lot going on and the white helps to give some breathing space so each tangle can speak.  I used Mooka as a background texture and then filled the inner spaces with Shattuck, Fengle, Web, Printemps, Betweed as the center "medallion, and a teeny, tiny Paradox. A few Auras and highlights, and it's done. Very fun, thanks Laura!

I did go back and look at my past challenge solutions for the first star challenge, #4, which was in January of 2011, check it out. My style has changed, which is a good thing. It's nice to know we're always growing, learning, and changing and  focus varies as the years pass. I had just begun tangling that previous summer, my how time flies!

First scan with just the basic string
and tangle outlines
Second scan with "blacks" added
for initial contrast

Challenge #113 - Hip to be Square - String Theory XXIV

A view of a spring evening,
Betweed, Mooka, leaves, windows, Fescu, a tree, a moon (Printemps)
Tipple, Quabog and color, color, color...

This week's Diva Challenge (week #113) is a String Theory #24, using a string based on a square within a square. I decided to do a frame within a frame. Check out all the wonderful submissions this week. 

I was also inspired by Maria Thomas' Zentangle blog post this week. View the many wonderful samples of her beautiful tangled frames and Rick's description of the importance of frames.

I'm not a square sort of gal when it comes to tangling, I don't particularly enjoy structured exercises but this was a blast.

My box within a box takes artistic license (surprise, surprise). My boxes are wobbly and curvaceous. I wanted to incorporate an organic view of the world, showing the blossoming of spring. So my boxes are frames, and windows. Fun, fun, fun!

I will definitely do another one or two this week but this was a wonderful start. I have a dental appointment tomorrow so that will be the perfect opportunity to tangle while I relax (???) and await my appointment. I used my Derwent Watercolor pencils without water. This wasn't watercolor paper so next I'll use an official tile.

W2 Monotangle Challenge Attempts - It's a journey

First attempt gone awry or wonky
I get so easily sidetracked!
I'm trying Roy Stauffer's monotangle challenge. The challenge is to monotangle (thanks Laura H.) using the tangle W2. I began this challenge working from memory (bad idea) which turned into Huggy Bear? I find W2 a little challenging because of the structure. Then onward and upward, just work with what I have on this first attempt. I get soooo distracted by shiny things, textures, ideas... I digress, but it's a fun journey. This one is Huggy Bearish, belts, grommets & Shoe strings.

I'll pick myself up and try again (deep sigh, cleansing breathe and gooooo).

Second version of the W2 Monotangle; still wonky, but I kept true to the "tenants" of this tangle. Over and under, used squares for the top area, turned my tile for a diagonal attempt using "circles" not squares. A little line work (my fave), some threads, connecting the sections, and the end result is pleasing or at least resembles W2 with a touch of Huggins. This helped me get into the flow of the tangle, I feel more comfortable with this structured pattern, straight lines, not so much. No mistakes, just resolutions and relaxing, smiling and breathing! I'm been so productive because I need to go out and finish my windows for spring cleaning!
Second version with some line work,
shading, and "threads" added

Challenge #112- Use My Tangle - Tuxedo by LeAnn

The Diva's challenge this week is a Use My Tangle first Monday of the month challenge using LeAnn (Ledenzer) tangle Tuxedo, check out her directions. It's a pretty structured tangle that is not in my comfort zone. So I was a little trepidatious especially  after viewing some of the wonderful solutions for this week. So, I took a deep breathe then jumped in and tried to go with the flow (as is my nature). I just concentrated on the lovely curves and overlaps this tangle creates. My version is wonky and only slightly resembles LeAnn's beautiful tangle, but I enjoyed the process and the exploration. I let it flow and tried to breathe and relax, "there are no mistakes in the Zentangle process" right?

So here it is, sort of, Tuxedo, Lampions, Beadz, Float fest and lots of leaves, Aura's, and Perfs, who knew Check out all the wonderful solutions to this week's challenge at the Diva's site.

Version 2 - Tuxedo with Inapod centers, Hollibaugh
with Flux, Paradox, Crescent Moon,
Spinning Squares, and some Beadz.