Diva's challenge for week #7 involves the Ceremony of the Zentangle
® process. This week's Challenge is: BREATHE! She says:
When the Breath wanders, the mind is unsteady, but when the Breath is still, so is the mind still." - Hatha Yoga Pradipika
If you've taken a class with a CZT®, you may have heard this: Relax. Breathe. Smile.
If you've taken any kind of class or seminar from Rick or Maria i KNOW you've heard this before.
I wanted to see where Zentangle® would take me if i consciously made the decision to Relax, to Breathe, to Smile.
As I began this week's challenge I realized how often I hold my breath, if left to their own devices, my hands can be fairly shaky when doing something detailed that requires a steady hand - Isn't that the definition of tangling? So, my challenge was to let it flow and concentrate on my breath... in and out. At times, I felt like I was doing a Simon Sez exercise, you know the one, while tapping your head do circular motions on your tummy, while hopping on one foot! Actually, it wasn't that bad, but it was challenging. Breathe, of course I breathe, most of the time?
I was pleased to realize that I do relax, and smile when I'm creating a tangle. I don't worry about the outcome, I do take it one stroke at a time, but the breathing and concentrating on that flow of breath - in and out - that's a big challenge.

When taking yoga classes the instructor often tells us "to breathe" and I initially think, how silly, of course I'm breathing, but I realized my natural reaction to any type of exertion, mental or physical, is to take a deep breath in anticipation and hold it while I complete the task. Right now I do have alot of stress in my life, as many of us during this recession, I try to strong arm my way through it, put my head down and push, not the easiest way to go through life! Another life's lesson... try to be easier on myself?
I decided to do three separate tangles using one of the three statements as the focus of each, keeping them as light and effortless as possible. The cursive font I created, to me to shows a flow and gentleness, one letter flowing and swirling gently into the other. Hopefully expressing harmony and light, which is what comes to mind when I think of the ceremony of tangling.
I'm taking the CZT® course at the end of this month. I'm trying not to be breathless with anticipation but Breathe, Smile, and Relax with anticipation!