
Challenge #94 - Use My Tangle X - Socc

I've been out of the loop for the last month so it's nice to get back to the weekly challenges. It's the first Monday of the month and the Diva's challenge features a Use My Tangle X challenge. This month features Socc created by Erin Olson, CZT.

It's a great tangle and emulates Carol Ohl's Puff, but as is the Zentangle method, this comes out totally unique and beautiful! Erin has a great share about Socc and Zentangle. My version is a little "off" but I like the results. A lot going on, but I'm pleased with the results.

I saw a little Inapod in my version of Socc... so peapods away!, swirls (Ibex-like?), borders, Quabog, some Lampions, a hint of blue, and it is complete!

Challenge #89: UMT v. IX: "Sankegg"

This week's challenge #89: UMT v. IX: "Sankegg".It was inspired by the world's largest Pysanka Egg Laura and her family saw on their way back from Edmonton.  Laura posted a picture putting out the challenge to anyone wanting to figure out the Y pattern on the Egg and deconstruct it. Maria Vennekens, CZT from the Netherlands emailed the breakout instructions for the tangle she named Sankegg the next day.

Not one of my all time faves but it was interesting. I found it very challenging (not enough room for the wonkiness of my style, I'm not a straight-line gal!). Many renditions later... I finally came up with something I didn't totally hate.

I started this tile with a zig-zag string, created a triangle crescent moonish tangle with lot's of auras on one end. Next, an unsuccessful attempt at Sankegg with triangle (morphed into little dangling spears). Since there are no mistakes in the Zentangle process, I went with it and embellished. When in doubt, embellish and shade the heck out of it! FINALLY, a tangle that actually resembled Sankegg, added Paradox in the negative spaces, some curvelinear Hollibaugh and Tipple to offset the spikey tangles, topped off with a little Zedbra to balance and add contrast. Voila!

Challenge #87 - String Theory XII - Pinwheels for Peace II

“You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.” 

― John Lennon

Laura's challenge #87 was spurned again by Amy Broady, CZT in TN. She reminded Laura that September 21 is the International Day of Peace. What a wonderful idea for a challenge. We all need Peace in our lives and world. John Lennon said it best.

I love the peace sign (being a child of the 70's) it resonates for me. I think it's great that the 70's are "kool" again to the current generation. Seeing them wear peace signs and wearing the "vintage" garb from my era. Who knew?

My pinwheel incorporates a spinning swirl for movement, Shattuck, some Auras and, of course, Peace signs and a Peace Dove! This took me many renditions and quite a few days to complete but the result works for me. Peace and Love man! A wonderful message that we can all appreciate and, hopefully, try to live on a daily basis.

Zendala Dare Catch Up #20 - #22

Challenge #22
Monotangle: Variations of Arc Flower
Zendala Dare #21:
Tipple, Paradox, Assunta, Crescent Moon
Zendala Dare #20:
 Printemps, Auraknot, Tipple, Crosshatch,
some screws, and Spiky Wire
I've been playing catch up with Erin's Zendala Dares. I find I start them but need to put them aside for a while and come back and revisit them. I'm not usually satisfied with my first attempt and it seems a little overwhelming, so I set it aside. When I come back to the piece, revisit it, I can dive back in and add shading and some line work and I'm satisfied with the results.

For Challenge #22 I was able to sit down and complete my piece in one sitting. I used the 3.5 inch tile size. Erin asked us to do a monotangle for this piece and I enjoyed taking the basic elements and deconstructing them and using them in a variety of sizes and variations. Arc Flower is a fun pattern and flows easily, thanks JJLaBarbera.

For challenges #20 and #21 I chose the large single Zendala template on a letter size sheet. For all the patterns that need to go into a piece I feel I need the space. It takes much longer but I do enjoy the process. I usually put my piece down for a couple of days and then revisit it, add more contrast and shading. With Zendalas I find I need more time and tend to do more versions. Maybe the process will get a little more refined but I'm enjoying the journey.

I work on a laptop and have discovered that I can use my laptop screen as a light table to transfer the template directly to my paper. I open up my laptop fully and then I have a flat surface light table. I make sure to use a very light touch when I trace so I don't damage my screen. This is the best technique for me because it keeps the organic feel to the template when I'm tracing free-hand rather than printing them out.  I'm a graphic designer and  pulled this technique out of my bag of tricks. For the larger Zendalas I use a heavyweight Velum bristol that works well with this tracing method. This also works on a regular computer monitor but doing the tracing on a 90 degree angle is a little more challenging.

Challenge #86 - Break Free!

This weeks Diva's challenge #89 asks us is to break free of our tile border! To create a tile or ZIA where SOME element of your work goes beyond the border and stretches or expands out. This direction is not out of my comfort range at all. I often go off the grid with my work.

I used Hollibaugh, Tipple, Beadz, Tripoli which morphed into a viney flower with some decorative leaf patterns. 


Challenge #85: UMT Margaret Bremmer's Copada

Copada, Zedbra, Dansh, Flying Geese, Tipple,
Spikey Wire, Shard, Crescent Moon, some screws
(a touch of steam punk, of course)
This week's Diva challenge is week #86 and it's a Use My Tangle, first of the month challenge. Margaret Bremmer, CZT's tangle is Copada; a great tangle to let the variations fly. A great way to celebrate Laura's 8th anniversary, Congrats to her, hubby B-Rad and her wonderful kids.

I really enjoy Margaret's style and her process. This week I use some of her other tangles, Zedbra, Dansk, I  also used Crescent Moon, Shard, Flying Geese, and Spiky Wire. My version of Copada incorporates screws (of course!) and daisies giving it the feel of Deelish (by Stephanie Kelton), and some Tipple. I think elements of steam punk are the perfect accompaniment to the beautiful flow of most tangles. Just like in life beauty and the creative process incorporates many different forms and shapes. It all works together. Love it.

I chose to "enhance" my string this week and leave it as white/negative space. Give each tangle lots of breathing space.

I love reading your feedback and comments!

Challenge #84 - String Theory, Blind String, AKA, Steam Punk Central

Original blind string
This week's Diva's Challenge for week #84 asks us to pick up our pencils and paper, close our eyes, and draw a blind string. This was a fun challenge and an opportunity to play with the steam punk stuff I've been working on this weekend.

Since Laura was on a well-deserved vacation last week, there was no challenge. I needed to fill the creative void so I jumped into Erin Olson, CZT and her Bright Owl blog Zendala Dare (lot's of fun). I've been meaning to concentrate on Zendala's more diligently for my classes but haven't had the time. So it's wonderful to add this to my weekly list. Now that my book has been published I can focus on more creative outlets!

I surfed the web for inspiration and I was taken with the Steam Punk stuff I've seen on Sandra Straight's site and begin noodling with it. Very fun, and it definitely was the focus of my challenge this week. I'm not sure if I'm doing the Steam Punk Zentangle style correctly, but it's fun trying.

My completed ZIA with Steam Punk inspired tangling

I incorporated Cruffle, Knightbridge with Cruffle, some screws, nuts, dangles inspired by all the wonderful art I've seen this week, Spiky Wire (my new tangle), and lot's of chains and beads (inspired by my sister Nancy who is a wire jewelry artist. One of my other sisters, Tracy, is also an artist,so it runs rampant in our family! Check out their site links!

I loved the process for this week's challenge; the result is a little busy, but it was a BLAST doing it. Because the style is so new to me I feel the need to fill my ZIA with lot's of good stuff. In the beginning... it's all good stuff (to me :)) Enthusiasm rears it's head, so I have to go with it!

I'm also incorporating the steam punk project  I worked on this weekend. Have I mentioned... I love Steam Punk, metal, nuts, bolts, beads. No one has ever accused me of not being enthusiastic (ad nauseam perhaps) but, I guess that's the function of a blog! Exposed your creativity and craziness to the world. So here goes....

My initial exploration
I played with a little steam punk Zentangle style this week. What fun, a few screws, Cogs, Wheels, Plugs, Clamps, and Mooka and now, I'm hooked!

I think this will be a continuing process to combine the beauty of the Zentangle tangles with the grunge and metal of steam punk. I've started a study that I'm going to keep and build as I discover new textures and  tools to add to my arsenal.

Below is the initial version that I developed this weekend:
my new tangle Spiky Wire, some metal Mooka, bent wire, gems, chains and stuff. It's new to me and I'm sooooo excited and fixated... Whoopee!

Steam Punk Study Version One: lot's of white space to fill:
Spiky Wire,  Metal Mooka, nuts, bolts, chains, cogs.
gems, twisted wire

Linda Farmer's String #15

Linda Farmer of presents a weekly string for tangling. This weeks string #15. This one is shared by Courtney Frantz, CZT from Texas.

Courtney states, “I drew this string using a photo of an abandoned church as inspiration. I find photographs to be a great source of inspiration when I am stumped for a string. Of course, I don’t draw or outline the entire photo … just take a few basic lines as a starter.
I tried using some of the tangles from Linda's Tangle Refresher: Tuftid, Warble Eggs, then some Paradox, Tipple, Knightsbridge, and Shattuck.

Check out for more strings and tangles!

Zendala Dare #20

 Fescu, Static/River, Shattuck, Umble
Hurry and NZeppel with tangelations

Added a touch of metallic green for sparkle
Betweed, Printemps, Leaves, Beadz and more...

Mooka Leaves - a Tangelation

Mooka is one of my all favorite official Zentangle® patterns/tangles created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. They introduced this wonderful pattern through a youtube video last year and I was smitten!

Recently the Diva's challenge asked us to combine Mooka with Assunta and I played with some variations on Mooka. I love curves and leaf shapes so it was a perfect marriage with Mooka.

Here is my deconstruction of the tangelation. Hope you enjoy!

So here goes...
Begin Mooka Leaves with the leaf shape; this first “frond” will be a single line stem, this begins your tangle. All other leaves will have the double line stem. Continue the Mooka flow by always making your arms/leaves come back into the form. As with all Zentangle tangles the new strand/form goes behind the others. I added the little tear drop on the end of the leaf but your “leaf” doesn’t have to have any embellishments, just let it flow!

I would love to see what you do with this tangle. Please leave your link information in any comments. Thanks for stopping by!

Zendala Dare #19

Version 1: Lot's of Mookas', some Beadz, Flux and "Perfs"
add a  little shading and eet  eez complete! (French accent )
Okay, I'm jumping on the Zendala Dare bandwagon! Erin Koetz Olson, CZT of Bright Owl hosts a new Zendala Dare/challenge every Friday, and I'm joining the crowd. She does all the hard work for us and develops and supplies the templates in a variety of sizes and shapes. There is some inspirational work from all the participants, Check it out.

I've been putting this off as long as possible but I need to start working on more Zendalas. I'm all for freedom of tangles and forms so I was apprehensive about the confinement of the template, but this was a lot of fun and the template gives me freedom to play! I basically used the template as a string. Kept very close to the original form but my stuff will never look perfect and pristine. It's organic and wonky and wobbly but I still like the results.

I appreciate all those that have perfect lines and forms but mine doesn't go there.

I want to thank Erin for all her hard work and inspiration. I hope to learn a lot as I add this challenge to my weekly tangling assignments! Whoo-hoo! I enjoy the fact that these two pieces are so different.

Version 2: Paradox, Aura Knot Cross, Hollibaugh,
Sez, Auras, Rounding, and some Meer-Like forms.
I'll spare you the French accent again!

Challenge #83 - DuoTangle Assunta and Mooka

I really enjoyed this week's Diva Challenge, #83 a Duotangle using the tangles Assunta and Mooka. Mooka is one of my all time favorite tangles. When Rick and Maria first presented Mooka it was the Diva's weekly challenge. That's all I drew for 2 weeks. And I did a lot of tangling, I was obsessed! Assunta, eh, not so much. Combining the two; not so much...

Well, I took a deep breath and decided had to go forward with the dang challenge! After all I am a Zentangle Zealot and I must go forth and tangle my brains out. Lot's of tries and fails and then...

I decided to concentrate on Mooka, my lovely Mooka, and combine it with one of my favorite forms, the leaf. I kept true to the tenants of Mooka: one continuous line, always going inward when drawing the "feet/leaves" of Mooka. I tried to relax, smile, and breathe! The Mooka's echo the Assunta form.

This upcoming CZT training gives me the perfect opportunity to try and relive the wonders of the Zentangle process that I experience in May of 2011 when I became a CZT in class #6.

I love what came out of this challenge, the leaves have the feel of a bleeding heart with that lovely little bulb on the end. Assunta was also fun and flowed more easily than I expected. I kept Assunta grey (pencil) in the background as a wall paper to present my Mooka Leaves.

This is a full 8.5 X 11 ZIA because I wanted room to breathe and explore! My scan is complete with kitty hair (thanks Miranda!)

I also found out the children's book I've been illustrating for the last 2 years has been printed.  It's a wonderful collection of Fairy Stories written by Diane Light. The name of the book is "Into Fairyland, A Treasure Chest of Fairy Stories." The writing is wonderful and I'm very pleased with my illustrations. This was two years in the making and I love the results! It's a full-color paper back book!

Getting exposed to the Zentangle process really sparked my creativity and enhanced my illustration process. The book is colorful, and full of lot's of wonderful Fairies, Magic, and Love. You'll see the Zentangle process throughout the 64 pages. I'm very proud of this book. Any young girl who fancies these wonderful little creatures will love this magical book.

Check out Starry Whispers Books for more information. Just click on the "Into Fairyland" tab.  I would love to share this wonderful book with my fellow Zentangle enthusiasts and any of your little fairy enthusiasts. We also have FREE Special Things to do: coloring pages, word search puzzles and an EXCITING CONTEST. You could win a free book and an Amazon Gift Card! .
I'm also including a study for Mooka Leaves, starting with a simple outline and then embellishing with Assunta in the background. These challenges are great at making us go beyond our comfort zones. I love coming out the other side feeling like I've stretched my creative muscles. Thanks to Laura, Rick and Maria, of course, and the Zentangle process for giving me this opportunity!

Here's a study with simple outline and then embellishing,
rounding, and adding Assunta

Weekly Challenge #82 - UMT version VII "Brayd"

This weeks Diva's challenge is a first of the month, Use My Tangle challenge #82 using Shelly Beach's tangle Brayd. This is a great tangle with lot's of possibilities and flow. I use Brayd, Flux, Printemps, Tipple, Hollibaugh, BTL Jooz, some Pearlz and some spirals. It's a fun challenge that lends itself beautifully to shading. I'm working on some other tries.

Challenge #81 - Relay for Life Zendala

The Diva's Challenge #81 - was guest hosted by Erin Olsen, CZT of Bright Owl. She hosts the Zendala weekly challenges and presented a Zendala template based on Relay for Life. A great cause in the fight against cancer. Such a wonderful and worthy cause. I was up North at a friend's place this past week and internet was iffy and no scanner so I didn't get posted in time. When I got back late Saturday night there was a storm and my cable, internet, and phone were off.

Betweed, Beadz, Leaves, Auraknot, spirals, and more...
Because we were up north with no printer or scanner, I had to  free-hand  the template Erin provided. Wonky is my middle name, but I like the final results of my template interpretation. I concentrated on keeping my Zendalla light, open, and organic. The shading and lines were my focus. Erin's template allows wonderful flow and connection. The connection we all have in the fight against this devistating disease!

I felt leaving the open areas felt like the gaps left in our live's by loved ones who are gone. I lost my mother to lung cancer in 1996. I miss her and this week vacationing and sharing stories with old friends brought up a lot of stories and memories of our mothers. There was lot's of laughter and sharing and it was wonderful to share and remember family stories. My mother was a character and an amazing strong woman. She was challenging and could drive me crazy, but she was the person in my life that I knew loved me unconditionally and I dearly miss her.

This challenge also made me realize I need to concentrate on Zendalas much more. I've dipped my toe into the Zendala process but full immersion is necessary. I'd like to start presenting Zendala's classes in the future. Onward and upward in my Zentangle/CZT journey. Thanks for the boost Erin and a wonderful cause!

Challenge #80 - Mi2 Explored

 The Diva's challenge this week asks us to explore MI2 created by created by CZT Mimi Lempart. It is a challenging tangle but lot's of fun. It adds a great sophistication to my arsenal of tangles.

I did 3 variations this week. The first exploring the tendrils and enhancing them and adding a little Florz. The second explores a little more contrast of the black negative space and using my white gel pen for accents. The third incorporates Sanibelle, Flux, and some organic textures and leaves, turned out sort of alien-like bird. Kind of fun, but don't stare at the eyes for too long! A fun exercise and helped me feel more comfortable with this versatile tangle.

Challenge #79 - Citius, Altius, Fortius “Swifter, Higher, Stronger"

This week's Diva's challenge was taken on by Roe Densmore, CZT. She challenges us to use the Olympic ring logo as the basis for this week's challenge. I'm not fond of recreating the logo, circles are so particular and show the wonkiness, so I just embraced it. As the Olympic motto states: “The most important thing is not to win but to take part!" I'm taking part.

My interpretation took on a graphic feel, I tried to let the elements shine: the rings, the year, an olive branch to represent Peace, a little touch of color, and it eeez complete (french accent)! The Knightsbridge woven pattern ties/quilts the five continents/rings together. It was an enjoyable process and I'm happy with the results. A little Photoshop color added to my scan finishes this challenge.

When I first began tangling I tried to make each tile as perfect as possible before presenting it to someone. I would erase any left over string/pencil marks, now I revel in the process. As I'm strolling through the weekly offerings I particularly enjoy being able to share in the process, the path that each of us travels when creating and tangling.

We all come to the Zentangle process using our own perspective and, if we listen to our bodies, and follow the path of least resistance the process becomes even more enjoyably. When we Relax, Smile, and Breathe we get the full Zentangle experience. It's a wonderful gift to ourselves!

I've Been Nominated, Please Vote for Me!

Check this out
I'm so excited, I've been nominated for a Most Fascinating Blog of 2012 under Zentangle Teacher category. It's such an honor to have my blog recognized.
Voting begins today, July 16, I would appreciate your votes. I'm fourth down. There are 29 total nominations. How kool is that?

Challenge #78 - New Official Tangle: Auraknot

This week's Diva challenge asks us to try Auraknot, the new Zentangle tangle from Rick and Maria. I've practiced this one a lot and really enjoy the flow. Rick and Maria sent out and announcement newsletter to start off this tangle. They put out  a call for deconstruction and names we thought would be appropriate for this new tangle.

Now that I've done it a million times (see previous post), I love it! It has the feel and requires the concentration and practice of Paradox. In this version, I added the Sakura clear sparkle gel pen between the
auras" to add a little "bling". Doesn't come off very effectively when scanned, but it's fun to hold this tile in my hand and see the sparkle.

We were playing with the Sakura metallic and clear sparkle gel pens this weekend in my Zentangle basics class up north. I was very impressed with what the participants created with these gel pens so I Incorporated it into my tile. I do want to work on a black tile with this same process.

I played with overlapping the lines to create a stained glass effect. Not perfect, but it has possibilities.

My second version for this challenge morphed into a Zendala, sort of. A little wonky and wobbly but I still like it. I've purchased some of the Zendala tins for my classes and haven't done many myself. I may have to dive into Erin Olson's (Bright Owl) Zendala Dare and start playing! I love my tiles but it's time to branch/circle out!

Auraknot Zendala Sort of

Zentangle Zealots Unite!

My Zentangle Flag
Printemps, Shattuck, Zenplosion Folds (of course),
Sanibelle, Tipple, Pearlz, Crescent Moon, Knightsbridge,
Keeko, Verdigogh, Leaves, Mooka, and Pods - lot's of stuff!
 This week was the 4th of July and I spent some time up north with my sister Nancy and her husband Butch. I came up to visit but also to teach a class in Grayling at the AuSable Artisan Village Art Center Gallery. My sister Nancy is a jewelry artist and is very involved in the gallery. That gave me the opportunity to visit and teach, two of my favorite things.

A great time was had by all and, hopefully, new Zentangle Zealots joined our legion! They all created wonderful tiles. I've included a short video that we took during class (see below) disclaimer: We're not professionals but the IPhone video let's us pretend... you'll get the idea of the class!

I've also been inspired to create a flag to display at my classes. Janee Mackugler, fellow CZT, inspired me when I saw her flag displayed on her blog. It's a wonderful oppportunity to combine material and the tangling process.

I worked directly on white cotton sateen fabric. I ironed freezer paper to the back of the fabric for support. It's almost like drawing on paper once the freezer paper is applied. The freezer paper stiffens it and allows for a more stable surface to create with my wee crafty fingers and micron pens! I added shading with a pencil and then set it with the iron once I completed each section. Janee shared that she used fabricon grey markers for her shading so I may try that on my next flag.

I found a great stick to use as my "hanger" for the flag on a walk in the woods up at my sister's place. They have a beautiful spot on the AuSable river with lots of trees, flora, and fauna. The perfect "shopping place" for beautiful sticks. I love incorporating nature in my art!

The flag is still a work in progress, I think when it's finished I'll back it with a nice muslin to give it a little substance and create a little pocket at the top for my stick hanger. The binder clips are a nice touch but I thought I'd go the extra mile since I put a bazillion hours into this creation. But it will be more than worth it when done.

Thanks Janee for the inspiration!

Challenge #77 - UMT v. VI "Fiore di Pietro" - Peter's Flowers

This weeks challenge for the Diva's challenge is #77. She asks us to Use My Tangle (UMT) for this month and it is called "Fiore di Pietro". This tangle was developed in tribute to CZT Rho Densmore,'s brother-in-law, Peter, who suddenly passed away this month.

This tangle has a wonderful rythm and lends itself to many tangelations and possibilities. I enjoyed this tangle and I'm sure I will use it again soon. I would like her to use my tile if she wishes.

My version went a little organic and swirly, I do like the results. I also used Printemps, Betweed, Paradox, Beads, Float Fest, and Quabog.

The Sailing Ship
What is dying?
I am standing on the seashore.
A ship sails to the morning breeze and starts for the ocean.
He is an object and I stand watching him
Till at last he fades from the horizon,

And someone at my side says, “He is gone!” Gone where?

Gone from my sight, that is all;
He is just as large in the masts, hull and spars as he was when I saw him,
And just as able to bear his load of living freight to its destination.

The diminished size and total loss of sight is in me, not in him;
And just at the moment when someone at my side says, “He is gone”,
There are others who are watching him coming,
And other voices take up a glad shout,
“There he comes” – and that is dying.
-- Bishop Charles Henry Brent

This poem gave my sister's and me such comfort when my mother died we used "she" but the message is the same. Powerful and comforting. My thoughts are with Rho and her family.

Catch Up Challenge #73 - #74 - UMT V Bridgen and String Theory X Eccentric Circles

I'm way behind on my Challenges, so playing catch up. Here is Challenge #73 "Use My Tangle" Bridgen, and Challenge #74 String Theory X with eccentric circles.

Bridgen is designed by Carol Ohl's partner Dave. I also used, the yet-to-be-named tangle by Rick and Maria. I'm calling it Knot-wot but that's just my take on it. I can hardly wait to see what they name it... coming soon!

I used Brigden, Betweed, Hollibaugh, Tipple, (Knot-wot)?, and Paradox in this version.

New, Yet-to-be-named, Zentangle Tangle

Rick and Maria of Zentangle came out with a new tangle. They presented lovely tile samples to view and digest. The challenge was to name this new tangle and try to deconstruct it in 8 steps or less. The winner wins a set of Zentangle coasters. Check out the Zentangle blog and the samples.

To me, this tangle has the feel of Paradox, Hollibaugh, Hurry, and Hibred. A wonderful combination of all 4. Fun to do, but you need all your faculties involved to complete this lovely new tangle. It has the feel of a Celtic knot and I found myself doing a lot of "What?" as I was trying to learn this tangle. I'm thinking it should be called Knot-wot.
My efforts are much more wonky and organic looking but I still like them.

Jeanne Kero, a fellow CZT and Zentangle Zealot won the challenge.  Jeanne is the one who exposed me to the wonderful world of Zentangle and was my coheart in crime last May when we went to CZT training in Massachusettes. We had a wonderful inspirational time in Whittinsville and our Zentangle journey began!

Jeanne deconstructed it beautifully and won the challenge. Check out her new blog and her deconstruction step-out of this tangle that she is calling "Cheeky".  Her directions helped me to feel comfortable in the creation of this new, yet-to-be-named, tangle.

I did many versions of this tangle and came up with two that I actually was pleased with. The first using the "dot" deconstruction method that several people presented to create the tangle and then connecting the dots.

The second is a much more curvaceous rendition of this tangle using Jeanne's deconstruction directions. I really enjoy whatever we call it and look forward to using it in the future, OFTEN!

Challenge #72: "Tangleation Nation - Crescent Moon"

This week's Diva challenge asks us to do a monotangle using only Crescent Moon and applying as many tangelations as we care to, what fun! When I look at Crescent Moon, it's all about the shapes and the auras that enhance that shape.

My last Basic Zentangle class we were working on Crescent Moon so this was a timely challenge.

I cheated a bit and used, not my tangle, but a beauty that uses the basics of the Crescent Moon process Allium by JJLaBarbera, a great tangle for contrast. My first tangleations reminds me of an army of Crescent Mooner's, I really enjoy the leaf shapes down to the Diamonds. Fun, lot's of variety, a good exercise this week

Challenge #71 - New Tangle - Pea-Nuckle

The Diva's challenge this week (#71) is to use the brand spanking new Zentangle tangle Pea-nuckle designed by Holly, Rick and Maria's daughter.

I found this tangle a little challenging, I was bothered by the extra curve formed by my "s" shapes but after looking at the Diva's tangle examples more closely, I realized that's part of the tangle, who knew? I also looked at the direction once and thought I could work from memory. Why did I think that would work this time? Insanity is...

Anyway I completed this tile and realized I left out the middle portion. Whoops, thank goodness I left the negative space pure black and was able to add the missing "appendages" with white gel pen. There are no mistakes in the Zentangle process, just some opportunities. I enjoy the final outcome and the process.

For this tile I used a good toothy heavy-weight paper I found with grey specs. I often stop by the "Scrap Box", an Ann Arbor, MI recycling place offering lot's of stuff people would normally throw out. It's a great place to find paper and other neat items for craft projects. I found this paper for $1.00 per inch. I try to stop by at least once a month to see if they have any great finds on paper.

Challenge #70 - Color Me Sepia

A Zia using Groovy, Sanibelle, Hollibaugh tangelation,
Tipple and some Black Pearls
 The Diva's challenge this week #70 asks us to add a touch of color, sepia/brown. I didn't have any sepia markers so I used a pink highlighter and modified the color in Photoshop. I didn't want to concentrate on the color I just wanted a textured color wash background leaving the focus on the black.

This was a fun exercise and I tried to emulate some of the maker bleed studies I've seen Molluscus do. I also enjoyed reading Sue Jacobs process on last weeks "Groovy" Diva challenge when she created a color background.

So I'm dipping my toe into the color...

Okay, I did a second version on a paper bag. It wasn't the smoothest or easiest surface to work on but I enjoyed how it turned out. I probably should have unfolded the paper bag before beginning tangling? Who knew, and old grocery bag could be turned into a Zentangle study!

Paper bag ZIA, with W2 ribbon tangelation, some buttons,
Shattuck, Stricles, Mooka and some Tipple

Challenge #69 - UMT Groovy

Groovy, Poke Leaf, Hybrid, Black Pearls,

Spring 2012 Zentangle Basics at 212 Arts Center

Thursday, April 12 Zentangle Basics class.

We reviewed Hollibaugh, Tipple, Printemps, Keeko, Cadent, Knightsbridge, Pokeleaf and Pokeroot, and Crescent Moon. They did a wonderful job and a good time was had by all.

Here is our final Mosaic, great job ladies!

Challenge #66 - Laura's Auras

Version 1 - Crescent Moon, Shattuck, Tipple,
Paradox, Flux, and Auras
Version 2 - Zenplosion Folds, Flux, Tipple/ Aura tangleation
Laura's Diva challenge this week asks us to use auras, what fun!

I did a Zentangle Basics class this past week and we revisited Crescent Moon. I found that the perfect aura tangle then added some Flux, Paradox, Shattuck, Tipple, and of course, lots of auras.

The second version I used my tangle Zenplosion Folds, a little Flux, and Auraed out some Tipple tangleations. I enjoyed the process.

Auras are a great way to get into the flow and rhythm of each tangle gently encircling and accenting each line and curve.

I'm so glad Artoo is on the mend and Laura was able to challenge us again this week.

Challenge #65 - Use My Tangle for April - Huggy Bear (JJ LaBarbera)

This week's Diva's challenge is #65, and on the first Tuesday of the month someones original tangle is chosen for the challenge. This month's tangle was created by JJ LaBarbera, called Huggy Bear, a play on the official tangle Huggins.

I wasn't very excited by this week's challenge but once I got into it, I really enjoyed HB and all its possible variations. I'm usually not drawn to grid patterns. If too much precision is required and following concise structures is important, I get nervous, my eyes start to spin. I'm much more of a free flow gal. And that's what my Huggy Bear does; ebbs, flows, wobbles and wonks, but that's just me. It was a very enjoyable challenge, who knew?

I used Huggy Bear in several variations, Tipple, Keeko, Knightsbridge, Plume, some Spheres, and Auras. I really do like the outcome. I may have to do another.

Thanks Laura and JJ LaBarbera. I'm also quite taken with her tangle Allium but they are all fun!

Save the Ta-ta's!

Challenge #64 from the Diva asks us to divide our tile up into 8 sections as a string. I decided to do an addtional tile using these parameters. I've been thinking about doing a walk for Breast Cancer Awareness this fall so this was the perfect opportunity to incorporate some of the symbolism. The bumper stickers for this event "Save the Ta-ta's" are great, and say it all. Check out their website and buy products to support the fight against breast cancer.
Some Mooka, Sandy B's Flowers, Spinners, Hollibaugh, Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Ribbons, Venice, the Women's Gender Symbol, Black Pearls, and Plumage all work together to deliver an important message.
Added a touch of pink, of course!

Challenge #64 - Fortune Teller

The Diva's challenge this week #64 - Fortune. She based this on the "coodie catcher" we used to use as children in school. The challenge asks us to divide our tile in half and then again, forming 8 sections (triangles) that will be our string.

I tried to respect the string but not hold it sacred. The key for me was to make each part relate to the other. For me this is always a part of my creative process. Acknowledging what the tangle is doing to the right and left, and relating each tangle to the other. I try to follow lines, rhythms, spaces so all things intermingle and relate. I find it really helps me achieve the "Zen" state of the Zentangle process and become totally enmeshed in what I'm doing. Looking at the big picture but not sweating the details, reveling in them!

I used Fengle (of course), Hollibough, Flying Geese, Tipple, Crescent Moon and some swirls beads and fluff. I also used a wonderful new tangle on the bottom right. It was based on a tattoo and I was taken with it when I saw it on one of the challenges. Can anyone tell me the name and creator?

Got it... the missing tangle is Allium by J.J. Labarbera, thanks Susan!
Overlay of original string

Challenge #63 - New Official Zentangle Tangle "Fengle"

The Diva's challenge for this week is #63. Laura asks us to use the new official tangle "Fengle". The official instructions came out in the Zentangle newsletter this weekend and I had a feeling that might be our challenge when I saw this wonderful new tangle. And, as always, Laura never dissappoints. So Fengle it is!

I was at a party this weekend and my friend Jeanne (fellow CZT) was telling me that she has a couple of Zentangle pieces exhibited at our local libray.  She used Fengle. How timely was that little snippet? I can hardly wait to check out the show this weekend.  There was a hint about the emerging tangle that was presented at the last CZT training so it's fun to be able to try it. Rick and Maria named it but had not deconstructed it yet. And now it is official. Yippee.

When Mooka came out Laura presented it as one of our challenges and I was smitteen! I Mookaed my brains out for a couple of weeks. I wonder if Fengle will take the same path... hmmmm.

My first version was influenced by a video link my sister Nancy sent me. She titled the email Zentangles in the Sand. The artist is Andres Amador. He does huge installations on beaches at low tide. He creates fabulous Zentangle looking patterns (tangles) that dissappear with the outgoing tide. It's fascinating, check him out! It makes me feel a little silly when I say I don't have enough time for the weekly challenge!

So, after checking out his web page, I found my Fengle feeling like a sand casting with lot's of decorative stones (pearls) to aura the edges of this fun new tangle. I think it stands up on it's own, so I did a single Fengle. I like it and I need more practice.

Second version, I'm officially hooked on Fengle!
ZIA - 8.5 x 11